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24-07-2022 Obesity Week Brasil Logo 25-27 maio 2023 Vector v5 FINAL English.png
07-02-2023 OWB EBOM Save the date V1 de 25 a 27 de maio 2023 ENGLISH.png


On behalf of the Brazilian Society of Obesity Medicine (SBEMO), Pan American Board of Obesity Medicine (PABOM) and Andropause and Menopause Brazilian Society (SBAM), we would like to welcome each and every one of you who will be with us in what will be the largest scientific event around Obesity Medicine and the Treatment of Andropause and Menopause in all of America Latin America in 2023.


The Brazilian Society of Obesity Medicine (SBEMO), the first Society of Obesity Medicine in Brazil, currently with around 2.500 associated members, carries on the success of the 1st edition of Obesity Week Brazil, held in March 2022, to join efforts with the official inauguration of PABOM's activities at the I PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS ON OBESITY MEDICINE, with publicity and participation of physicians and health professionals from all over the Americas.

​The fantastic structure of the Costão do Santinho Resort Convention Center, in Florianópolis, will be at our disposal between the 25th and 27th of May 2023, and will also host the I BRAZILIAN CONGRESS OF ANDROPAUSE AND MENOPAUSE, promoted by SBAM - Brazilian Society of Andropause and Menopause. Andropause and Menopause Brazilian Society (SBAM) implements its also pioneering proposal in Brazil, by integrating hormones, science and ethics in the promotion of men's and women's health, defending the benefits of hormone replacement and healthy aging. Such integration will provide comprehensive medical updating and vast technological innovation, always based on the best scientific evidence, good clinical practices and solid ethical principles.

Although sharing the same Exhibition Center in person, the scientific committees plan independent, vibrant and current scientific programs, with the participation of great national and international names, seeking dynamism and interaction with our congressmen, in activities of broad scientific updating, integration of research with clinical practice and scientific debate. The program will include topics that are frequently asked questions in the day-to-day activities of clinics to those who are at the forefront of scientific knowledge.

As it could not be otherwise, we believe that science is capable of wonderful transformations, enabling a better world for everyone, and that it should never be monopolized through market reserve measures. Science is for everyone and must be democratized, reaching all health professionals, for the benefit of humanity.

We encourage Obesity, Andropause and Menopause research and service centers throughout Brazil to send their work to our Congresses, with the intention of disseminating the most relevant knowledge produced in the area.

The wonderful city of Florianópolis is consecrated as the official headquarters of Obesity Week Brazil, with beautiful paradisiacal beaches, in the state of Bela Santa Catarina. And Costão do Santinho, awarded several times as the best beach resort and best development for events in the country, offers one of the best convention centers by the sea in Brazil, which will provide you with complete comfort and structure.

With adequate and modular rooms that allow different patterns of composition, in addition to a large area for exhibition, this center will comfortably accommodate the approximately 3,000 delegates we are waiting for. You have the possibility of staying at the Resort itself, with exclusive rates offered to our delegates. And, even if you are not staying at the Resort, you will be able to enjoy its great accessibility and the wide hotel network around it.

We will have the best services and equipment. The spaces are wide, allowing the assembly of stands and large plenary sessions, ensuring integration between the speakers, thanks to the various integrated spaces.
The Resort, with its privileged nature, offers numerous leisure activities for all ages and a complete structure, including aquatic and sports complexes, gym and recreational casino. In addition to having all-inclusive accommodation and several gastronomic options. The chosen season is also a good time to find a quieter city and be able to enjoy all the possibilities that this Resort offers.

For all this to happen, the support of ethical institutions and companies, which contribute to the dissemination of quality medicine, will be essential.

We are waiting for you all in Florianópolis, to exchange experiences in this unforgettable scientific event. Come to Magic Island, meet new friends, meet old ones and celebrate life!

Yours sincerely,

Lucio Monte Alto,
SBEMO Board Chair / PABOM Board Chair / SBAM Vice Chair 


To confirm your participation as a Sponsor/Exhibitor, please contact our Commercial Department:

Save your place at the I Pan-American Congress on Obesity Medicine / II Brazilian Congress on Obesity Medicine in 2023 and discover the fantastic natural beauty and wonderful gastronomy of Florianópolis and Costão do Santinho!

English and Spanish version = SOLD OUT.
The Congress will be offered in Portuguese. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM and REGISTRATION available through the website

Save your place at the I Pan-American Congress on Obesity Medicine / II Brazilian Congress on Obesity Medicine in 2023 and discover the fantastic natural beauty and wonderful gastronomy of Florianópolis and Costão do Santinho!


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* Values ​​applicable exclusively to Non-defaulting Members.

** Values ​​applicable only to undergraduate students, who must send proof of category (statement, school transcript or student ID) to the e-mail The enrollment with a discount for students will only be confirmed after submitting the documentation. Participants who do not present the declaration corresponding to their category must pay the difference in value at the event location.




All submissions must be sent by email:

WARNING: Do not attempt to submit entries via mobile devices.



🗓️ March 27, 2023, up to 12:00 - Deadline for submitting abstracts

🗓️ April 27, 2023 up to 12:00 - Approval of submitted works

🗓️ May 12, 2023 up to 12:00 - Upload works on the website



  1. The abstracts must follow the format provided by the Scientific Committee, written in English or Portuguese.

  2. Content changes will be allowed until the abstract submission deadline. While submitting, please send the e-mail with a copy (cc) to the other registered authors. Email:

  3. After submitting the abstract, an email will be sent to the corresponding author to confirm the information.

  4. There is no restriction on the number of abstracts you can submit, or the number of accepted abstracts.

  5. Submission of different abstracts by the same group of authors and for the same dataset are liable to rejection.

  6. Papers must contain original research data. Narrative reviews will not be accepted.

  7. Systematic reviews with meta-analysis may be submitted. The reporting guidelines must be described. For more information visit:

  8. Clinical cases will be accepted if they present some aspect of originality.

  9. It is not possible to make a posteriori changes to the content within the abstract after acceptance. The Pan American Board of Obesity Medicine (PABOM) will faithfully reproduce the information provided by the authors..

  10. The final decision of the Scientific Committee is considered supreme, irrevocable and unappealable, and will not be reviewed.


  1. The information provided is the sole responsibility of the author who submits the abstract;

  2. The corresponding author must be registered in the event. The other authors registered for the congress must not resubmit the abstract already sent;

  3. The corresponding author is the only responsible for the submission and subsequent communications, including forwarding e-mails to co-authors.

  4. Upon submission, you must certify that you have conducted the research and written the abstract in a fair, balanced and commercial-free manner, and that you have used generic names rather than brand names;

  5. As for the writing of the abstract, the authors must make sure that they do not incur biases of gender, race, obesity (e.g., referring to subjects as “obese”), or any other discriminatory denotation;

  6. The authors assume compliance with legislation and ethical standards that govern research with humans and animals.



  1. By the end of the event, 1 (one) online .pdf format certificate of the approved work will be awarded.

  2. The certificates will be made available on the official website, following the order in which the authors were registered.

  3. Certificates of abstracts written in Portuguese will receive the SBEMO seal.

  4. Certificates of abstracts written in English will receive the PABOM seal.



The Pan American Board of Obesity Medicine (PABOM), through the publication of content at PABOM Congress 2023 (including plenary sessions and abstracts), aims at innovative studies regarding the latest advances in obesity and weight loss research. These communications seek to provide remarkable exposure and recognition for researchers and their studies, and have a significant impact on the prevention and treatment of obesity. Abstracts submitted through the online application process are expected to reflect original research guided by transparency and research ethics. Reported data may have been previously published or publicly presented at the time of abstract submission. Paper presentations at conferences (national or international) are allowed even before they are presented at the I PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS ON OBESITY MEDICINE. The PABOM and its designated abstract reviewers treat abstract submissions as strictly confidential until the time of their public release. The PABOM will publish approved abstracts on the website prior to the start of I PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS ON OBESITY MEDICINE to assist registered participants in itinerary planning. All abstracts are barred from press/media coverage until 12:00 GMT on the first day of the Scientific Sessions of Obesity Week Brazil – May 25, 2023.

Make your reservation now for your accommodation at the official event´s Hotel,

Costão do Santinho Spa & Resort for the

I Pan-American Congress of Obesity Medicine / II Brazilian Congress of Obesity Medicine in 2023, with special packages for subscribers and their families!




Centro Executivo Imperatriz

Rua General Liberato Bittencourt,

nº 1885 / Sala 901

Florianópolis - SC, CEP 88070-800

WhatsApp: +1 (760) 593-8179 

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2021-2025 All Rights Reserved

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